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table wine造句

"table wine"是什么意思  
  • A dry table wine , usually red , originally produced in northwest italy
  • A light red table wine originally produced in the hilly region of east - central france
  • 2 litres of fortified wine or 2 litres of still table wine only 60 litres of this can be sparkling wine
    1 10公升酒精强度超逾百分之二十二之烈酒或2 90公升有汽餐酒,
  • The juice of white grape for table wine are often separated from the skins and seeds soon after crushing / destemming
  • Icewine is a very rich wine and due to the sweetness , it has a much higher viscosity ( thickness ) than table wines
  • Foreigner : by wine we usually mean grape wine or other kinds of table wine . are you sure you don ' t mean alcoholic drinks in general
  • White table wines are allowed to either ferment to dryness or their fermentation are stopped , by cooling , at a predetermined sweetness level
  • A very day white burgundy wine originally from east - central france and now refer to a blended white table wine of california
  • “ there is approximately the same amount of ethyl alcohol in a normal serving of 86 . 8 proof whiskey , draft or bottled beer , and white table wine
    一份标准的43 . 3度的威士忌的乙基酒精含量基本等于一瓶啤酒或一杯白葡萄酒的酒精含量。
  • This category of american wines is a blend of two or more varieties of grapes and is often labeled as a red or white table wine with a vintage and appellation
  • It's difficult to see table wine in a sentence. 用table wine造句挺难的
  • Adjoining to lo tour chateau , best wine product and grape planter , get the “ lest promotion table wine of france “ in french wine magazine
  • " and it ' s not eger bull ' s blood or some expensive wine that they are getting but simple table wine , as it ' s mainly good for their blood cells .
    “同时给它们喝的也不是产自埃格尔镇的牛血红葡萄酒或其它一些价格高昂的红酒,而只不过是普通的日常餐酒而已,因为这种做法对它们的血液细胞大有裨益。 ”
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